Broken Picturephone - 21/09/2019, 22:45:36
kay!'s Book
Page 1, kay!:
you can (die in) la-mulanaaaaaaaaaa
Page 2, EmeliaK:
Page 3, Furei:
Fafnir is not a good girl
Page 4, Joey:
Page 5, shobo:
satan agahnim terrorizes person in sleeping bag
Joey's Book
Page 1, Joey:
Adol Christin rides the bumper cars
Page 2, kay!:
Page 3, shobo:
red hat youmu in a bumper car
Page 4, EmeliaK:
Page 5, Furei:
touhou moetron
EmeliaK's Book
Page 1, EmeliaK:
Uh oh. Whoopsie! Fuckie up bad.
Page 2, Furei:
Page 3, Joey:
We've got trouble! I dropped dinner, but my Felicia's Plates survived
Page 4, kay!:
Page 5, shobo:
ashley is dissatisfied with her TV dinner
Furei's Book
Page 1, Furei:
big bara tiddies
Page 2, Joey:
Page 3, kay!:
buff riku pre-evo
Page 4, shobo:
Page 5, EmeliaK:
I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my
shobo's Book
Page 1, shobo:
buff cat planet ball
Page 2, Furei:
Page 3, Joey:
have you ever been so cat planet that you grew a body and got RIPPED
Page 4, kay!:
Page 5, EmeliaK:
copy kitty's new upgrade