Broken Picturephone - 27/05/2020, 17:28:08
Joey's Book
Page 1, Joey:
fire emblem but it's set on mars
Page 2, SilverFox:
Page 3, zylphe:
FE7 Chapter 6 Lyn Mode, except every enemy has a gun
Page 4, hjaunt:
Page 5, EmeliaK:
"pistols akimbo" was perhaps not the best dlc unit type
zylphe's Book
Page 1, zylphe:
healers and tanks disconnecting at a crucial moment in a raid
Page 2, EmeliaK:
Page 3, Joey:
fighting the boss as the lowest leveled person and my team DC'd, crap
Page 4, SilverFox:
Page 5, hjaunt:
haha yeah we'll totally carry you through this dungeon kirby dw
EmeliaK's Book
Page 1, EmeliaK:
hikawa sayo takes up sniping
Page 2, SilverFox:
Page 3, Joey:
hatsune miku sets up a sniping spot four feet away from nico yazawa
Page 4, hjaunt:
Page 5, zylphe:
miku aims her sniper rifle at nico, who is streaming for her simps
hjaunt's Book
Page 1, hjaunt:
loss but every character is hulk hogan
Page 2, zylphe:
Page 3, Joey:
loss featuring hulk hogan and three clone hulk hogans
Page 4, EmeliaK:
Page 5, SilverFox:
the plot to flying red barrel 2 is looking weird
SilverFox's Book
Page 1, SilverFox:
umihara kawase in bionic commando for the nes
Page 2, hjaunt:
Page 3, Joey:
the bionic commando/umihara kawase crossover we've been waiting for
Page 4, zylphe:
Page 5, EmeliaK:
fight match game fight game match game fight game match match