Broken Picturephone - 27/05/2020, 18:27:33
zylphe's Book
Page 1, zylphe:
hulk h(ell)ogan
Page 2, kay:
Page 3, hjaunt:
hulk hogan waves hello at you but his other hand might be on his cock
Page 4, SilverFox:
Page 5, EmeliaK:
hulk hogan is clearly putting something strange in your subway
EmeliaK's Book
Page 1, EmeliaK:
hikawa sayo takes up throwing basketballs at people's faces
Page 2, zylphe:
Page 3, SilverFox:
hikawa sayo is on the baseball team with nagito komaeda, she's PISSED
Page 4, hjaunt:
Page 5, kay:
blue-haired girl smashes komaeda's skull in
hjaunt's Book
Page 1, hjaunt:
master yoda commits immoral acts
Page 2, EmeliaK:
Page 3, zylphe:
runs over a child in his 2003 honda civic, he must
Page 4, kay:
Page 5, SilverFox:
yoda plays grand theft auto and thinks it's ok to replicate the game
kay's Book
Page 1, kay:
wall of flesh but diagonal
Page 2, SilverFox:
Page 3, hjaunt:
running from the wall of flesh but it's tilted back bout 30 degrees
Page 4, EmeliaK:
Page 5, zylphe:
Wall of Flesh, but why is it going diagonally downwards?!
SilverFox's Book
Page 1, SilverFox:
Page 2, EmeliaK:
Page 3, hjaunt:
twintails girl holding holey box spooked by green alien guitar seller
Page 4, zylphe:
Page 5, kay:
cyan-haired girl asks for Yen tm while redhaired girl holds whatever