Broken Picturephone - 17/04/2021, 18:05:29

kay's Book

Page 1, kay:

In the future, where a big cat has caused the Third Impact...

Page 2, Furei:

One alone rises to the fight...

Page 3, Kalene:

The one to save the world. The one to set us free!

Page 4, Joey:

His name is... His name is...! Dilbert, the prophesized hero!

Page 5, EmeliaK:

(What's that?) Uh, we're putting him back in the dumpster. Sorry.

Kalene's Book

Page 1, Kalene:

Once Pokemon BDSP released, people were

Page 2, Furei:

kinda miffed honestly, I mean, there was like, too much content and

Page 3, EmeliaK:

I accidentally dropped it in the ocean before I finished and now

Page 4, Joey:

I could only rely on the ocean king, Poseidon to get it back. Fuck it.

Page 5, kay:

i walk up to him and yell at the old man to deliver my fucking package

Furei's Book

Page 1, Furei:

On VIVIT's day off, she decided it was a good idea to

Page 2, Kalene:

cause some trouble by hiding some berries in

Page 3, kay:

your mouth and eat them so you can have a very nice meal, with also

Page 4, EmeliaK:

ketchup and gravy and gravy and gravy and gravy and gravy and gravy

Page 5, Joey:

and ranch and gravy and gravy and gravy and honey mustard and gravy an

Joey's Book

Page 1, Joey:

I can't believe it. After all this time, I've pulled the strongest 5*,

Page 2, EmeliaK:

the seventh of the Princes of Hell, Belphegor, unfortunately gimped by

Page 3, Furei:

constant feelings of constipation, was oh so wanting to

Page 4, Kalene:

run to the bathroom, to where they could get their salvation

Page 5, kay:

inside the bathroom: God's Dead Body

EmeliaK's Book

Page 1, EmeliaK:

On a dreary winter morning / While the frost woke, sleek and dawning /

Page 2, Joey:


Page 3, kay:

bro i get it but like bro we gotta do poetry Together bro, please

Page 4, Kalene:

you don't understand, we need to do this so we can bond closer togethe

Page 5, Furei:

r, I need you in my life, you're the most important person to me!