Broken Picturephone - 17/04/2021, 18:39:32

Joey's Book

Page 1, Joey:

quagsire opens its mouth to charge a hyper beam scream

Page 2, kay:

Page 3, Kalene:

Quagsire used Hyper Beam!

Page 4, EmeliaK:

Page 5, Furei:


Kalene's Book

Page 1, Kalene:

Pokemon, but what if it was edgy?

Page 2, Furei:

Page 3, EmeliaK:

cool pikachu swears at you with attitude

Page 4, Joey:

Page 5, kay:

swag turd-head pikachu says 'fuck you'

Furei's Book

Page 1, Furei:

It's motherfucking WINGED KURIBOH!

Page 2, Kalene:

Page 3, EmeliaK:

strange sheep creature ascends on wings of glory

Page 4, kay:

Page 5, Joey:

"When sheep fly", she said, unaware of my secret project in the works

EmeliaK's Book

Page 1, EmeliaK:

blue poison makes a cheesecake

Page 2, Furei:

Page 3, Kalene:

Familiar character reading a recipe to make Cheesecake

Page 4, kay:

Page 5, Joey:

small VIVIT learns how to make cheesecake, says "wow チーズケーキ"

kay's Book

Page 1, kay:

this new alttp rando update seems weird why are the pots alive

Page 2, Joey:

Page 3, Furei:

Link is being chased by a ball'n'chain knight and two turrets

Page 4, Kalene:

Page 5, EmeliaK:

this is how we ultimate kill the link