Broken Picturephone - 15/06/2021, 16:48:24

EmeliaK's Book

Page 1, EmeliaK:

the cast of Touhou Chireiden ~ Subterranean Animism all embodied in one single character

Page 2, Furei:

Page 3, kay:

girl help i've been fused with the other residents of gensokyo and my legs look like a tree trunk

Page 4, Joey:

kay's Book

Page 1, kay:

Your Minecraft house has been filled with cicadas - just in time for summer.

Page 2, Joey:

Page 3, Furei:

Minecraft Steve hanging outside of his Cicada House

Page 4, EmeliaK:

Furei's Book

Page 1, Furei:

The Luminary's New Pep Power

Page 2, kay:

Page 3, Joey:

Eria the Water Charmer has replaced Gigobyte with a rubber duck that sits on her head

Page 4, EmeliaK:

Joey's Book

Page 1, Joey:

The cheese rolling competition where instead of cheese, we instead roll a clump of bricks down a hill; there have been many casualties and I don't know why we can still do this

Page 2, EmeliaK:

Page 3, Furei:

On a nice sunny day, a bloody body has been discovered.

Page 4, kay: