Broken Picturephone - 30/08/2021, 00:38:26
EmeliaK's Book
Page 1, EmeliaK:
Page 2, Furei:
Page 3, Joey:
the nuclear reactor robot from earthbound gets tank treads and a job in medicine
Page 4, kay:
Page 5, Silver Fox (real):
Burrobot becomes a doctor
Page 6, nova:
kay's Book
Page 1, kay:
astringency contract
Page 2, Silver Fox (real):
Page 3, Furei:
Accepting The Pink Crocomire Contract
Page 4, Joey:
Page 5, EmeliaK:
Crocomire gets an office job
Page 6, nova:
Silver Fox (real)'s Book
Page 1, Silver Fox (real):
Super Monkey Ball Race
Page 2, EmeliaK:
Page 3, kay:
Super Monkey Ball PvP
Page 4, Furei:
Page 5, Joey:
monkey boxing loses the boxing gloves due to budget cuts so now they just have to slam into each other
Page 6, nova:
Furei's Book
Page 1, Furei:
The grim reaper is a live-streamer
Page 2, kay:
Page 3, nova:
soul possessing among us cognitohazard rips off ominous shadowy figure
Page 4, EmeliaK:
Page 5, Joey:
blue mario attempts to use his eyes to shine through the darkness and sees very little success because his batteries are running out so there *is* light but it's not bright at all
Page 6, Silver Fox (real):
Joey's Book
Page 1, Joey:
(arknights spoilers) myrtle defeats bowser but big the cat dies in the process
Page 2, nova:
Page 3, EmeliaK:
myrtle pulls out blukachu to commit grievous bodily harm
Page 4, Silver Fox (real):
Page 5, kay:
squirtle-pikachu chimera sends lasers to eat a person's brain
Page 6, Furei:
nova's Book
Page 1, nova:
Blender that repurposes broken electronics
Page 2, Furei:
Page 3, Joey:
i put a holy hand grenade in my blender and it created an olive with a string attached
Page 4, EmeliaK:
Page 5, Silver Fox (real):
Railway blender blends a holy hand grenade, has a wrecking ball for protection
Page 6, kay: