Broken Picturephone - 09/10/2021, 19:43:37

EmeliaK's Book

Page 1, EmeliaK:

They put Viscount in the booth / and asked of him his favourite shade / Viscount deigned to tell the truth / "My friends, to fears this shall put paid" / "It is glorious orange" /

Page 2, Furei:

"A bore in colour" / "To make it duller" / "The need to move past" / "Shall you ever find the fear paid fast" / "Listen to my words"

Page 3, Silver Fox (real?):

"Hello I am slime" / "I will commit a crime" / "Gonna rob that bank" / "And buy me a fish tank" / "Goodbye"

Page 4, Aries:

"Why don't you buy" / "This here supply" / "With real cash" / "That isn't stolen trash" / "Get out"

Page 5, Joey:

"Leave now or die" / "If you're not gonna buy" / "I'm ready to smash" / "You're gonna crash" / "Let's start the bout"

Page 6, kalina:

the newest entry to "fight intros for arcsys games"

Silver Fox (real?)'s Book

Page 1, Silver Fox (real?):

What ? ? ? Is that the real Wreck-it Ralph from famous video game Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed ? ? ?

Page 2, Aries:

Yes ! ! ! It is me, the Real Ralph from Wreck-it from Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed ! ! !

Page 3, Furei:

I'm here to WRECK some house, maybe even SHREK some house! Get ready for some real pwnage (idk I never saw the movie)

Page 4, kalina:

said a passerby when asked to impersonate shrek, starring in the movie shrek-it ralph 3

Page 5, EmeliaK:

which was famously a box-office sleeper hit, paving the way for shrek-it ralph 4 story to become the top grossing film of all time when accounting for home media sales

Page 6, Joey:

, earning more than avatar, avengers, and titanic combined, destroying the movie industry as a whole because everyone just said "welp pack it in, movies have peaked"

Joey's Book

Page 1, Joey:

What the- Hey! Why'd you- Woah! Why I oughta- Gah! I'll kick your- Geez! I'm so sick of this! This damn idiot just

Page 2, Silver Fox (real?):

won't stop dancing! What the heck? Argggg! I wish that was me! I've had enough! *dances uncontrollably*

Page 3, Furei:

I'm going to fucking destroy you at DDR you watch my fucking words, I've had enough of your bullshit, you will rue the day you danced infront of me, you absolute fucking pile of sh

Page 4, kalina:

-it, nothing can save you from the fury that is my legs, trained from years and years of playing DDR at the hardest difficulty, your end is fucking nigh you absolute motherfucker,

Page 5, Aries:

dude i get it you keep having leg days but can we like go get some food at least before you kill me i'm hungry

Page 6, EmeliaK:

to which the response came No. The sound in its single syllable was hard and unshakeable as though what rooted it to our perception dug down clinging at every conceived layer

Aries's Book

Page 1, Aries:

once upon a time there was That Guy

Page 2, Joey:

we don't talk about That Guy, he's kinda a jerk, always likes starting shit, is very much worthy of being called That Guy

Page 3, Silver Fox (real?):

that being said, if we did have to talk about That Guy I suppose I would have to start by saying That Guy is surprisingly good at

Page 4, EmeliaK:


Page 5, kalina:


Page 6, Furei:


kalina's Book

Page 1, kalina:

surtr is in the dust while twilight-ing emperor's blade

Page 2, Silver Fox (real?):

The emperor's blade has finished twilighten-ing, it is now the twilightor's blade...

Page 3, Furei:

A blade so pure of light in twi, twilightwi exudes from the twi in the light of the blade's twilightening, beware...

Page 4, Aries:

As it turns out, the blade is absolutely worthless in any other hour that isn't in the middle of twilight.

Page 5, Joey:

instead of cutting through any material known to man, the blade instead becomes intangible once it's not twilight, not useful outside of that short time, i'm giving it two stars

Page 6, EmeliaK:

Seller response: you were trying to cut with the handle

Furei's Book

Page 1, Furei:


Page 2, kalina:


Page 3, Aries:

yes it's me mikky mau(.se), i registered a swedish domain and now i can talk to every swedish person in the universe, like you

Page 4, Joey:

unfortunately i had to give up my ability to communicate with anyone else, only swedish people, maybe also swedish fish and swedish meatballs, i really oughta give that a try

Page 5, EmeliaK:

but ikea does all fresh fish in their seafood range so i gotta learn to cook fish which is hard sometimes because if they're big you have to fillet them and you need a real knife

Page 6, Silver Fox (real?):

and, well, i'm not sure if you've noticed but i don't HAVE a real knife, I only have FAKE knives! at least it looks cool...