Broken Picturephone - 20/04/2022, 19:46:50

avery!!!'s Book

Page 1, avery!!!:

happy hour except it's for fruit juice

Page 2, Furei:

Slurping slurping having a good time, absolutely in love with all this good stuff, yum yum slurpy slurpy :)

Page 3, Aries:

who's that guy slurping up all the floor fluid anyway

Page 4, EmeliaK:

unfortunately according to our records that's the guy we call when we need a cleanup in aisle 10

Page 5, Joey:

Speaking of... Hey, aisle 10 guy! Someone broke a couple jars of baby food, go clean that up!

Joey's Book

Page 1, Joey:

Did you know?

Page 2, Aries:

A single Japanese radish gives enough energy to a human being to walk 28 feet

Page 3, avery!!!:

I am forced to have an IV bag filled with radish extract in order to live. However, there's a

Page 4, EmeliaK:

lot of logistical issues with squeezing the radish into the drip, not least of which is that blending it so finely gets really hot, and would cause shock if injected into the blood

Page 5, Furei:

...Wait a second, why inject it into the blood? Isn't this for eating? The heck is this all about all of a sudden...? Well whatever, I'll leave you to your devices. Carry on.

Aries's Book

Page 1, Aries:

Tower Unite's New Accelerate Update (again) Changelog

Page 2, Furei:


Page 3, Joey:

you can eat your casino chips now, for they are now potato. We've also added

Page 4, avery!!!:

a flavor-changing mood ketchup. dip your cards in them and

Page 5, EmeliaK:

they turn holographic and then wet

EmeliaK's Book

Page 1, EmeliaK:

Once upon a the time there

Page 2, Aries:

was a Fesh Pince in the land, and now this is

Page 3, avery!!!:

conceived in west pipadepia, action of relaxing during time

Page 4, Furei:

Maxx "C"hill, fucking ballin' for a while; Dudes! Uh oh...

Page 5, Joey:

I just realized that if they draw their entire deck, they basically can't lose. Ah crap.

Furei's Book

Page 1, Furei:

[5:47PM // Clear] "Hey, Eria..." Wynn walked up to her sheepishly, "Do you, uh..." She hesitated before finishing: "Do you...

Page 2, EmeliaK:

...need your lawn cared for?", at which Eria stared blankly. "My lawn? On the Rhodes Island landship?" Wynn shook her head, clarifying "Not literally, more, uh, an euphemism for...

Page 3, Joey:

Oh wait, no, it actually is literal. Actual factual landscaping." Wynn went over to the shed and pulled out a

Page 4, Aries:


Page 5, avery!!!:

the first edible weapon!