Broken Picturephone - 22/06/2022, 16:23:53
Silver Fox (real?)'s Book
Page 1, Silver Fox (real?):
challenge 46 in the binding of isaac: rebirth
Page 2, Aries:
Page 3, Furei:
Challenge 46 challenge, crying dead fetus farts while moving, HP = ?
Page 4, EmeliaK:
Page 5, Joey:
Issac: The Ultimate Glitch Pokemon
Joey's Book
Page 1, Joey:
Xenoblade Chronicles 4: Noah drops Xenoblade X down the stairs (again)
Page 2, EmeliaK:
Page 3, Furei:
Xenoblade Chronicles 4 Noah Drops Xenoblade X down the Stairs (again)
Page 4, Silver Fox (real?):
Page 5, Aries:
noah xc3 kicks an xbox game down the stairs out of spite
Aries's Book
Page 1, Aries:
vivit grapples around in minecraft
Page 2, Furei:
Page 3, Silver Fox (real?):
adol christin the sailor uses a hookshot in minecraft
Page 4, Joey:
Page 5, EmeliaK:
roy fire emblem grapple hooks onto a minecraft tree and it doesn't bou
EmeliaK's Book
Page 1, EmeliaK:
y'shtola arknights
Page 2, Joey:
Page 3, Aries:
y'shtola's a 6* caster in arknights but hates her art
Page 4, Furei:
Page 5, Silver Fox (real?):
this 6* character looks very confused to be here
Furei's Book
Page 1, Furei:
Page 2, Silver Fox (real?):
Page 3, Aries:
bionicles and mechonicles were NEVER meant to have sex
Page 4, EmeliaK:
Page 5, Joey:
Ancient Gear Golem wants no fuk