Broken Picturephone - 22/06/2022, 17:08:04

Furei's Book

Page 1, Furei:

What the hell is a Zekenator anyway?

Page 2, Aries:

Page 3, Joey:

Nia gets one of her 30.5 alloted swears to ask "What the *hell* is a Zekenator (pictured above) anyway?"

Page 4, Silver Fox (real?):

Page 5, EmeliaK:

Make your mind up. And what the hell is a Zekenator, anyway? Hah! You may have been lucky last time, thanks to a certain unstable cliff... But this time round we meet on good old t

EmeliaK's Book

Page 1, EmeliaK:

XENOBLADE CHRONICLES 4 NOAH DROPS XENOBLADE X DOWN THE STAIRS (AGAIN) REVIEW // I went into this expecting the worst, but was honestly pleasantly surprised by the depth of gameplay

Page 2, Joey:

Page 3, Furei:

Xenoblade Chronicles 4 Noah drops the Monado down the stairs (again) rated 8.8 by popular critic Glasses-Dude-88

Page 4, Silver Fox (real?):

Page 5, Aries:

noah xc3 accidentally drops the monado down a really big stair while a guy rates it 8.8

Joey's Book

Page 1, Joey:

the only thing on my mind right now is the fairy wars arrange they got in genso wanderer it's really good even if the dungeon is completely unreasonable

Page 2, Silver Fox (real?):

Page 3, EmeliaK:

thinking about may from pokemon singing happy

Page 4, Aries:

Page 5, Furei:

Thinking about May Pokemon being happy

Aries's Book

Page 1, Aries:

i met a traveller from an antique land

Page 2, EmeliaK:

Page 3, Silver Fox (real?):

oh no i'm running out of time uhh uhhhh THIS PERSON HAS HAIR

Page 4, Joey:

Page 5, Furei:

Time for hair growth! Woah!

Silver Fox (real?)'s Book

Page 1, Silver Fox (real?):

sonic chronicles gets ported to the switch

Page 2, Furei:

Page 3, Joey:

fuck you ken penders we're rereleasing sonic chronicles and the only additions we're making is adding more text to the ending bit

Page 4, EmeliaK:

Page 5, Aries:

sonic insults ken penders while marcille dungeon meshi possesses him to say fgsfds