Broken Picturephone - 08/07/2022, 21:53:39

Joey's Book

Page 1, Joey:

you've waited 20 years to liberate your country, you can wait one more month, i gotta go hunt some monsters

Page 2, ratratratratrat:

Page 3, EmeliaK:

this hunter with a bowgun is extremely obsessed with fighting a rathalos to the detriment of his team

Page 4, Aries:

Page 5, Furei:

Alongside her friends "help", "I am", and "dying", Hibiki Kancolle is fighting against a fire-breathing monster of some sort. I believe in you, Hibiki.

EmeliaK's Book

Page 1, EmeliaK:

Kobayakawa Sae with a knife............................................

Page 2, Aries:

Page 3, Furei:

Woman with flowers in her hair is delighted to brandish her knife

Page 4, ratratratratrat:

Page 5, Joey:

anime girl finds knife, says "えへ。" and the fate of her and her neighborhood is left unknown, but it's heavily implied it ended badly

ratratratratrat's Book

Page 1, ratratratratrat:

ichinose shiki stars as a guest on jerma985 stream (jerma eats a rock)

Page 2, Furei:

Page 3, EmeliaK:

ichinose shiki makes jerma985 eat rocks on stream

Page 4, Aries:

Page 5, Joey:

long-haired yumemi okazaki feeds INSANE STREAMER Jerma985 minecraft diamonds live on stream

Aries's Book

Page 1, Aries:

love live plays minecraft

Page 2, Joey:

Page 3, Furei:

Large smol Nozomi hanging out with a pig in Minecraft, somehow she's level -1

Page 4, EmeliaK:

Page 5, ratratratratrat:

nozomi minecraft hardcore mode playthrough part 300

Furei's Book

Page 1, Furei:

No One Can Stop Mr. Domino!

Page 2, EmeliaK:

Page 3, Aries:

misshapen smiling toilet

Page 4, Joey:

Page 5, ratratratratrat:

personified dadaism (talking toilet)