Broken Picturephone - 12/06/2023, 20:30:14
EmeliaK's Book
Page 1, EmeliaK:
The Thirteenth Circle of Pandæmonium: Kulu-Ya-Ku
Page 2, Aries:
Page 3, Furei:
Bird up at the full party pandæmonium
Page 4, Joey:
Page 5, kaleina:
new smn update: kulu-ya-ku at level 100
kaleina's Book
Page 1, kaleina:
now the real etrian odyssey starts here
Page 2, EmeliaK:
Page 3, Furei:
The end of an adventure. The Etrian Odyssey.
Page 4, Aries:
Page 5, Joey:
two adventurers find the etrian odyssey and a new passion for map making is born
Aries's Book
Page 1, Aries:
salmonids get involved in a splatfest
Page 2, kaleina:
Page 3, Joey:
the weakness triangle of fire grass and water is all weak to smallfry
Page 4, Furei:
Page 5, EmeliaK:
smallfry dominates the type matchup triangle
Furei's Book
Page 1, Furei:
Lemuen's new ridiculous sniping perch
Page 2, Joey:
Page 3, kaleina:
is that an inkling doing that big jump thing or something
Page 4, EmeliaK:
Page 5, Aries:
superjumping directly into the fucking helicopter blades
Joey's Book
Page 1, Joey:
FF14 Namazu with a gun
Page 2, Furei:
Page 3, EmeliaK:
gyoju, the namazu with a gun
Page 4, kaleina:
Page 5, Aries:
namazu with a sileneced gun