Broken Picturephone - 05/02/2024, 15:13:50
Furei's Book
Page 1, Furei:
VIVIT, Vivit, and VIVIT-r family reunion (VIVIT-r is drunk dancing on the table)
Page 2, kaleina:
Page 3, EmeliaK:
vivit the red haired maid son of a bitch transforms into a roomba
Page 4, Aries:
Page 5, Abzel:
red haired maid girl lady animorphing into a... roomba?
Aries's Book
Page 1, Aries:
in soviet russia smallfry grabs YOU
Page 2, Abzel:
Page 3, EmeliaK:
3 of 4 of the smallfry babysitting committee have formally abdicated and taken the remaining member's server cables with them
Page 4, Furei:
Page 5, kaleina:
the last remaining smartphone fails its wifi connection, is thrown to the salmonids to reverse-engineer it
kaleina's Book
Page 1, kaleina:
the splatball bat: it's like the sandman
Page 2, EmeliaK:
Page 3, Aries:
scout lands a baseball from across all of eeltail alley onto some unsuspecting inkfish
Page 4, Furei:
Page 5, Abzel:
cross-map interference occurs as a flying baseball beans a turf-warring little timmy right in the dome- he's dead.
EmeliaK's Book
Page 1, EmeliaK:
the famous splatoon rhythm game, mentaiko no splatsujin
Page 2, Furei:
Page 3, Abzel:
taiko drum game roll thing(?) reaching for golden eg
Page 4, kaleina:
Page 5, Aries:
don-chan tells you to hit the fucking power egg
Abzel's Book
Page 1, Abzel:
kal fucking up my spirit slash combo
Page 2, Aries:
Page 3, Furei:
Kal crits Zel in their oversized sword duel, a spark flies off of Kal's sword
Page 4, kaleina:
Page 5, EmeliaK:
kal hits a 7 crit and commences an extremely elaborate animation effecting the macabre and yet fascinatingly theatrical demise of zel, thus saving her own life since she was at 4hp