Broken Picturephone - 05/02/2024, 15:48:26
kaleina's Book
Page 1, kaleina:
switch greatsword
Page 2, Joey:
Page 3, Aries:
NSO-exclusive greatsword: the nintendo switch manufacturing error
Page 4, Furei:
Page 5, EmeliaK:
something about monster hunter joycon part 4
Aries's Book
Page 1, Aries:
Page 2, EmeliaK:
Page 3, Furei:
Senshi unsure about what to do with a golden salmon egg, he points at it inquisitively at it
Page 4, Joey:
Page 5, kaleina:
senshi is leading the party to a golden egg, who knows what they can cook up out of this rare delicacy
Joey's Book
Page 1, Joey:
red chocobos drop meteors on warriors of light; millions dead
Page 2, Furei:
Page 3, kaleina:
Kulu-Ya-Ku watches the Seventh Umbral Calamity of Eorzea unfold
Page 4, Aries:
Page 5, EmeliaK:
kulu-ya-ku five feet to the right of louisoix during his final incarnate moments on the source star
Furei's Book
Page 1, Furei:
Agumon! Shinka!!! [the dust settles and Agumon's dead]
Page 2, EmeliaK:
Page 3, Joey:
greymon gets powercrept
Page 4, kaleina:
Page 5, Aries:
digimon(?) < digimon(?)
EmeliaK's Book
Page 1, EmeliaK:
Any character from Seihou who doesn't have red hair................................
Page 2, kaleina:
Page 3, Furei:
Hirano Sakurasaki getting prepared to head out
Page 4, Aries:
Page 5, Joey:
i hate when my mirror commits seppuku